artificial stone

In general, artificial stone, which is also called stone compounds, consists of a combination of natural stone materials and structural adhesives that are fabricated under vacuum conditions. The density in this stone is high. In all kinds of artificial stones, usually 91-96% of the total weight is related to the weight of the stone compounds. Aggregates also have a specific weight equal to 2700. In this article, we will introduce you to the many definitions that have been presented about this stone. The difference in the different definitions of this stone is due to the difference in the nature of the materials used in making the stone

A type of this stone consists of marble and other types of limestone, which is called artificial stone, .marble
From the combination of silicate stones such as quartz, granite, silica, quartzite, etc., a type of this stone is created, which is called granite stone

Some other stone materials such as serpentine, slate and dolomite can also be used in the creation and production of this stone. It should be noted that the difference in the composition of this stone creates variety in the appearance of artificial stones

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